New2 Environment and housing estate Packages are now available
Environmentand housing estateESSENTIAL Package
3D orbital model of the subdivision
Real-time visibility of the house availabilities
Hotspots for each house model
Presentation video and interactive map
Environmentand housing estatePREMIUM Package
Environnement and housing estate ESSENTIAL Package
+Ground plane of the subdivision
3D orbital model of the subdvision blocks
Hotspots for each subdivision blocks
Real time unit availabilities on each block
Your house development doesn't matchany of our package offers ?
Our commercial team offers you customized solutions.
Included in the pack
Access MyHabiteo
An comprehensive developments management and plots marketing tool.
Your own website which references your programs.
Expand your package with...
Habiteo Truck
VR option(Google Cardboard, HTC Vive, Oculus Rift...)
Electronic signature of your contracts
They trust us and testify
Fabrice Chardin
We’ve chosen Habiteo for its novative take on our industry and the availability and professional behaviour of its employees…
Magalie Favier
Sales Director for VESTIA PROMOTIONS
Users have access to a more interactive website with the virtual tour, the promotional video and the various 3D tools…